Letters of Support

Letters of Support Procedures

In an effort to promote collaboration and provide the youth of Calcasieu Parish with services that are needed, the Children and Youth Planning Board will receive requests for letters of support.

Applicants requesting letters of support shall submit request for letter of support either:

Electronically to Mary Harpster, e-mail address of :

mharpster (at) cppj.net


By mail to:

Calcasieu Parish Police Jury
Office of Juvenile Justice Services

P.O. Box 2073
Lake Charles, La. 70602

Members of the Planning Board will review requests for letters of support at their scheduled meetings. Planning Board meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every other month. Meetings will be at 12:00PM see www.calcypb.org or call 337-721-3900 for locations.

Applicants requesting letters of support shall submit all documents/information required by the Department of Public Safety and Corrections Youth Services Division Funding Application no later than 5 days prior to scheduled meetings.

Applicants shall also provide the following additional information along with the above items:

Name and contact information of applicant seeking letter

Method applicant wishes Letter of Support shall be delivered i.e, mail, e-mail, fax, etc.

Any other relevant information

Applicant may present presentation to Planning Board at meeting, with presentation limited to five (5) minutes.

Upon planning board members approving of letter, letter will be completed and ready to be picked up and/or delivered in the manner applicant requests within two days.